Table of Contents

Capital College & Career Academy was thoughtfully developed after many hours of discussion, a thorough review of best practices, multiple school visits, and research. CCCA, while innovative and cutting edge, is ultimately grounded in educational research that has been proven to be effective in schools throughout the country. Below is a curated selection of the research that informs the school model.

A Career in the Building Trade

Too many students are not aware of the incredible career opportunities that exist in the construction industry. Here are a few articles about what is possible.

The Benefits of CTE

Career Technical Education (CTE) is an important component of CCCA because it works to engage and educate students.  Here are a few articles that discuss some specific benefits of CTE.

The Benefits of CTE for Students with Disabilities

Unique minds require unique approaches to education.  Because of the flexibility and relevance of CTE, it can be a way for students with disabilities to excel.  Here are some articles that speak to that.

Career Exploration and Work Based Learning

High School is the time to explore career opportunities.  We aim to be a school where students are making informed choices about the path they want to follow – this approach is backed by research.

College For All - Maybe Not!

It’s not only the skyrocketing cost of a college education that is giving students and families pause, it’s also people questioning if a college education is the only way to a successful career.  Truth is, it’s not – see what the research says.

Dual Enrollment

Why not go to high school and college at the same time?  CCCA says if a student can work towards a college degree while in high school then we want to support that.  Check out why this works for those who want that option.

Education Innovation and Reform

We can all get better, schools are no different.  Just like people and society changes, so too must schools and education change.  We believe that CCCA is leading the way in improving education.  Check out some other innovators who we listen to.

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