Teacher Incentive Plan Important Features

The incentive plan and the corresponding annual bonus utilizes multiple measures of success/student performance: formal assessments, teacher determined goals, school wide integrated projects, student portfolios.

● Data is collected over the course of the year through a transparent and collaborative process.
● Teachers can see the trend of student outcomes. There are no surprises at the end of year when bonuses are awarded.

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Help grow the next generation of in a unique way and get paid well! Our compensation plan is generous designed to attract and keep driven and inspirational staff.


The Incentive Plan Formula

Bonuses are paid at the end of the school year. For those teachers who reach the exceeding category they will be moved forward an additional year on the salary schedule the following year.
  • Student Achievement 50%
  • Individual Teacher Growth 20%
  • School Mission 15%
  • Individual Efficacy 10%
  • School Wide Goals 5%

Annual Incentive Bonuses

  • Excelling: 100% - 85% - 9% bonus
  • Achieving: 84% - 70% - 6% bonus
  • Meeting: 69% - 60% - 3% bonus
  • Professional Improvement (PI): Less than 60% - no bonus

Additional Longevity Bonuses:

  • 5 - 6 years = $500
  • 7 - 9 years = $750
  • 10 - 14 years = $1000
  • 15+ years = $2000

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Student achievement is divided into three categories

Sub-Category 1 (50% of student achievement category or 25% of total): Based on formalized normed assessments centered on reading, writing and math. The ability of students to read, write and solve mathematical problems is the responsibility of every CCCA teacher.
  • iReady English Language Arts and Math assessment and Writable writing assessment given at the beginning of the year to all students to establish a baseline.  
  • Mid and end of year assessments track student growth. The end of the year assessment will be the final measure of students’ performance for the year.
  • For purposes of the incentive plan students are graded collectively.  Percentage of students making a single year of growth will correspond with the various bonus categories (Excelling: 100% – 85%, Achieving: 84% – 70%, Meeting:  69% – 60%)
  • Note: exceptions will be made for students who are chronically absent or are experiencing a level of distress during the school year that has made regular attendance and participation extremely difficult.  CCCA administration will determine which students qualify to be removed from the assessment pool.
Sub-Category 2 (40% of student achievement category or 20% of total): On an annual basis, teachers and the site administrator will work collaboratively to set content area specific goal(s). This process will be formalized through the annual teacher reflection documents.
  • At the beginning of the school year each teacher will meet with a CCCA Administrator to identify a significant content specific skill(s).
  • Upon setting a goal staff members must be able to identify a baseline data point for their students. These data points should be described in reflection #1
  • For purposes of the incentive plan students are graded collectively.  Percentage of students making a “single year” of growth will correspond with the various bonus categories (Excelling: 100% – 85%, Achieving: 84% – 70%, Meeting:  69% – 60%)
Sub-Category 3 (10% of student achievement category or 5% of total): The 5 CCCA pillars will guide the school wide culture. Students will reflect on the 5 pillars both in individual class projects and through larger cross curricular projects using the following rubric. This category is made up of completion of an annual survey.
  • During the course of the year CCCA staff will implement a school wide integrated curriculum project.  These projects will not only have academic rigor and academic skill building but they will also be opportunities for students to demonstrate their ability to effectively use the 5 CCCA pillars: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Grit, Leadership and Responsibility.  
  • Staff will regularly have students reflecting on these skills and their ability to effectively demonstrate them using a reflection form similar to this linked document
  • At the end of the year students will make a presentation on their growth visa via the CCCA pillars.  
  • For purposes of the incentive plan students are “graded” collectively based upon responses and growth on a biannual pillar reflection survey.  Percentage of students meeting grade level expectations will correspond with the various bonus categories (Excelling: 100% – 85%, Achieving: 84% – 70%, Meeting:  69% – 60%)

Completion of yearly professional development goals which will include the following elements:

  • Completion of the annual Professional Inquiry Process (PIP). The PIP process is as follows:
    • The administrator will send out a PIP overview email along with corresponding documentation by September.
    • Staff will work either individually or collaboratively through the year to explore new instructional strategies, learning new curricular tools, or explore assessment strategies
    • Monthly staff meeting time will be dedicated to the completion of the PIP
    • Progress checks are due throughout the year
    • Final staff presentations and PIP synopsis document are due at the final all staff day
  • Score on the final PIP rubric will equate to corresponding bonus categories.
    • Excelling: 100% – 85%, Achieving: 84% – 70%, Meeting:  69% – 60%

Initiating WBL activities, guest speakers, career exploration and exposure activities, field trips or other innovative activities that connect students to the community

  • Number of classroom activities equates to corresponding bonus categories.
    • 4 or more activities = Excelling, 3 = Achieving, 2 = Meeting, 1 or less = improvement

Based on individual teacher performance reviews by CCCA admin. These are formal reviews which are discussed and planned prior to the review taking place.

  • Review categories will be broken down into excelling, achieving, meeting, or improvement

The entire CCCA community must work collaboratively towards student success. A positive school culture is one of the leading indicators of a high performing school:

  • Excelling = 95% or higher retention rate for student body, 95% or higher daily attendance rate for the year, 85% or higher on school wide climate survey culture questions
  • Achieving = 85% or higher retention rate for student body, 93% or higher daily attendance rate for the year, 80% or higher on school wide climate survey culture questions
  • Meeting =  80% or higher retention rate for student body, 90% or higher daily attendance rate for the year, 75% or higher on school wide climate survey culture questions
  • Improvement = Less than 80% retention rate for student body, less than 90% daily attendance rate for the year, less than 75% on school wide climate survey culture questions
CCCA Instructional Salary Schedule Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Years of Service Credential Credential + BA Credential + Masters or 45+ semester units
Added to Annual Salary N/A $2,000.00 $3,500
Years 1 – 2 $57,200.00 $59,200.00 $60,700.00
Exceeding (9%) $62,348.00 $64,348.00 $65,848.00
Achieving (6%) $60,632.00 $62,752.00 $64,342.00
Meeting (3%) $58,916.00 $60,976.00 $62,521.00
Performance Improvement (0) $57,200.00 $59,200.00 $60,700.00
Years 3 – 4 (5 years in CTE Industry) or 1 yr + Exceeding $58,700.00 $60,700.00 $62,200.00
Exceeding (9%) $63,983.00 $66,163.00 $67,798.00
Achieving (6%) $62,222.00 $64,342.00 $65,932.00
Meeting (3%) $60,461.00 $62,521.00 $64,066.00
Performance Improvement (0) $58,700.00 $60,700.00 $62,200.00
Years 5-6 (6 + years in CTE Industry) or Exceeding x2 $60,400.00 $62,400.00 $63,900.00
Exceeding (9%) $65,836.00 $68,016.00 $69,651.00
Achieving (6%) $64,024.00 $66,144.00 $67,734.00
Meeting (3%) $62,212.00 $64,272.00 $65,817.00
Performance Improvement (0) $60,400.00 $62,400.00 $63,900.00
Years 7-8 or Exceeding x 3 $64,500.00 $66,500.00 $68,000.00
Exceeding (9%) $70,305.00 $72,485.00 $74,120.00
Achieving (6%) $68,370.00 $70,490.00 $72,080.00
Meeting (3%) $66,435.00 $68,495.00 $70,040.00
Performance Improvement (0) $64,500.00 $66,500.00 $68,000.00
Years 9-10 or Exceeding x 4 $73,750.00 $75,750.00 $77,250.00
Exceeding (9%) $80,387.50 $82,567.50 $84,202.50
Achieving (6%) $78,175.00 $80,295.00 $81,885.00
Meeting (3%) $75,962.50 $78,022.50 $79,567.50
Performance Improvement (0) $73,750.00 $75,750.00 $77,250.00
Years 11-12 or Exceeding x 5 $80,000.00 $82,000.00 $83,500.00
Exceeding (9%) $87,200.00 $89,380.00 $90,180.00
Achieving (6%) $84,800.00 $86,920.00 $88,510.00
Meeting (3%) $82,400.00 $84,460.00 $86,005.00
Performance Improvement (0) $80,000.00 $82,000.00 $83,500.00
Years 13-14 or Exceeding x 6 $88,500.00 $90,500.00 $91,500.00
Exceeding (9%) $96,465.00 $98,645.00 $99,735.00
Achieving (6%) $93,810.00 $95,930.00 $96,990.00
Meeting (3%) $91,155.00 $93,215.00 $94,245.00
Performance Improvement (0) $88,500.00 $90,500.00 $91,500.00
Years 15+ or Exceeding x 7 $91,000.00 $93,000.00 $93,500.00
Exceeding (9%) $99,190.00 $101,370.00 $101,915.00
Achieving (6%) $96,460.00 $98,580.00 $99,110.00
Meeting (3%) $93,730.00 $95,790.00 $96,305.00
Performance Improvement (0) $91,000.00 $93,000.00 $93,500.00
“*Longevity bonus:
5 – 6 years = $500
7 – 9 years = $750
10 – 14 year = $1000
15+ years = $2000″